tisdag 3 januari 2023

Vietnam by Junia:)

Today we rented bicycles and we were supposed to bicycle to the water and take a boat to the other side but we did not find the boat so we bicycled to a restaurant and we ate lunch there.

 I like all the pools here and the beaches. There are not many ice cream places but there are very many good drinks that you can by. My favourite drink was when we was at a pool and I ordered a pineapple juice in the bar in bai Xep. 

Here in Hoi An there are very many buffalos. There we live there are always walking by buffalos. One bad thing about Vietnam is all the dogs. There are very many dogs that lives on the street and the most of them are very very very cute. I wish that all the dogs had a lovely home like I Sweden.

Today we also ate dinner with the other Swedish family. They also have three daughters. The oldest daughter is the same age as Alma and the youngest daughter is one year younger then Kiara.

This morning Alma Kiara and I made breakfast for mum and dad. We made different smoothies and fruit sallad. Mum ate very mutch:) 

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