torsdag 4 januari 2018

Panama City 2nd visit

Our second to last week (where did time fly?) was spent in Panama City. A capital the size of Stockholm, with an old town, waterfront (no swimming though - too polluted) and lots of skyscrapers. 

Here we spent our time hiking (great rainforest parque metropolitana), eating (malls might be terribly boring but they have good food courts) and also enjoyed the good biodiversity museum. Our favourite animal is now the ground sloth, 6 m high when standing. Unfortunately it was extinct some 10 000 year back. 

Half the week we stayed at the Causeway, close to some good activities and with a fantastic view. We had an armadillo living across the road and a sloth a few 100 m away, and the old town was about 6 dollars/ 10 min away with a taxi. As we also would like to experience the city pulse we moved in to the Trump tower the few last nights. Anything can be found with Airbnb... Apparently the Donald sold the tower, so we were luckily not supporting him. There the girls were thrilled about the pool complex, and their mother about the variety of fika that could be purchased within walking distance.

View from our first place

Spot the sloth

Turning torso Panama style

View from the Trump tower (half way up)

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