torsdag 20 februari 2014

Vida portena

We have now been about two weeks in la capital federal, and have found our rhythm here. 
I go to the gym in the morning, Justus and the girls go to the play ground (and for a fika). Lunch. Try to get Junia to sleep at home / in the stroller/ give up with the sleeping as she then at least hopefully falls asleep easily in the evening. Fika. Discovering a new barrio. Dinner. Get the girls to sleep. Ice cream. Nos gusta.

Junia likes karuseller. 

Flippin' burger's motsvarighet i Palermo Soho


We miss Brasil a bit...

Sometimes it is hard to leave the playground

Fences are to be climbed over

Street art

At home

Our groenteboer, over the road

Visiting Fer

Buenos Aires zoo


1 kommentar:

  1. Anna! Så himlans fina bilder! Ser ut som om ni njuter till fullo. Ni har ju iallafall fått in ett par fika om dagen vilket oftast ger en bra dag ;)
    Här är också fint väder (sol, fast 4 grader) och jag fikar också (dock egna kakor från frysen). Man gör så gott man kan ;) Stor kram på er alla!!
    /Linda (Skåne varianten om du har massor av Lindor ;))
