tisdag 17 januari 2012


A very wise friend told me once "if you google children and sleep, you get more hits than if you google sex." Matsson, I believe you now.

I made the mistake of starting to read "The baby whisperer solves all your problems", and soon realised that I was "accidental parenting" personified.
- I feed Junia to sleep
- She is awake for longer periods than 90 minutes in a row
- She is definately not asleep at 8.30 pm at the latest
- She is sometimes eating more frequently than every 4th hour
- An Eat.Activity.Sleep routine does not exist
- No routine at all exists really
- She does not take a bottle
- She does not sleep in her own bed
etc. etc.

Quite depressing reading actually, as the baby whisperer herself, Tracy Hogg, said that hell would break loose if we wanted to have a normal life later on.

Ok, since setting up a fixed time routine is a bit tricky when travelling, we thought that we (read: Justus) would at least try to teach her to fall asleep on her own, without needing to be attached to my breast for three hours. Said and done, three nights ago I placed myself with the Ipod on the highest volume, eating a bag of crisps just because they sound very loud, two closed doors from the bed room where Justus was sitting next to a Junia who was screaming on top of her lungs for 45 min. Yesterday she cried for half an hour, and also tonight. The funny thing (the only funny thing since the entire thing is rather horrible and I don't know if I am feeling sick because of guilt or all bags of crisps) is that she has now slept better than ever before. About seven hours in a row, then woken up for some food, and then gone back to sleep without any problem. It would be nice if I also could sleep those seven hours instead of listening to the snores of two people and wonder how traumatized the younger of them has become. Googling "the five minute method" was not of great help either since it is recommended from five months of age and some claim that it is against the UN's children convention and that babies exposed to this get traumatized for life.

It would have been easier getting a cat in the first place.

Anyhow, apart from the small questions in life regarding how you best bring up your children, we are having a fantastic time and Junia seems to like it too (unless you ask her after 9pm.) More about that later.

1 kommentar:

  1. Good post. Like it.

    Sleep deprivation is a form of torture, or so I've heard. And that is definately against some UN conventions. So I'd say it is only fair :)

    Pretty amazing, when I think about it, that all Milo's ancenstors managed to raise kids that actually grew up and were sane long enough to have kids of their own...
